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What is Play Therapy?

It isn't just about the toys.

According to the American Association for Play Therapy, Play Therapy is "the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development ".  Training helps the clinician gain understanding about the many theoretical models that are utilized by the trained Play Therapist. The Canadian Association for Play Therapy believes in the value of play therapy and its contribution to an individual’s mental, emotional, social and psychological well being.

Much research validates the efficacy of Play Therapy. Dr. Sue Bratton (formerly Professor at the University of North Texas)  continues to gather Child Therapy and Play Therapy research studies that validate the efficacy of Play Therapy:


Theresa is well known in the Play Therapy field for teaching Sandtray as a Play Therapy approach. Here is an example of an intervention that she shared with renown Therapist/Teacher/ Author: Liana Lowenstein.

Watch this video made by the famous Paris Goodyear Brown who is the founder and director of Nurture House. Paris provides a realistic explanation regarding the efficacy of Play Therapy.  

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MPTC is NOT A CAREER COLLEGE rather we provide training to regulated professionals and those seeking regulation.


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